Board Officers:
- Chair: Christopher Kehoe, Bayside Mattress Factory
- Vice Chair: Erica Sterling, The Island Cafe and Grill
- Treasurer: Lisa Driscoll, The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod
- Secretary: Michelle Resendes, CCB Media, Cape Cod Broadcasting
- Past President: Matt Pitta, The Davenport Companies
Board members:
- Daniela Morais, Cape Cod Five
- Deana Towns Kayajan, Cape Cod Healthcare
- Alison Caron, Alison Caron Design
- Thay Machardo, Invest Realty Homes
- Jessica Sylver, Keller Company, Inc.
- Sean Miller, Comfort Inn Hyannis
- John Cotton, Rockland Trust Company
- Chantel Hayes Rice, Law Office of Chantal Hayes Rice, Esq.
- Thomas Maccormick, Emerald Resort/Irish Village